Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders

Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders

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Chip Heath, Stanford Graduate School of Business

How Organizations Can Win Our Hearts [Entire Talk]

Don’t let another meaningful moment slip away. Make them memorable with elements that satisfy our thirst for insight, acknowledgement and connection.
Video 57 minutes
Chip Heath , Stanford Graduate School of Business
How Organizations Can Win Our Hearts [Entire Talk]
Don’t let another meaningful moment slip away. Make them memorable with elements that satisfy our thirst for insight, acknowledgement and connection.

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Tracy Chou, Project Include

Debugging the Brogrammer Culture [Entire Talk]

Constantly ask yourself, 'Who's not in the room?" Championing diversity in tech will result in a more inclusive culture and better products.
Video 57 minutes
Tracy Chou , Project Include
Debugging the Brogrammer Culture [Entire Talk]
Constantly ask yourself, 'Who's not in the room?" Championing diversity in tech will result in a more inclusive culture and better products.

Video Clips

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