Citing as example handheld innovations such as Flip video cameras and Jawbone headsets, serial entrepreneur Marc Andreessen claims that as of Spring 2010, consumer electronics are hot and viable in Silicon Valley once again. He argues that many of the devices in this most recent wave utilize existing chips and applications, but the market innovation comes from repackaging the technology with value-added software and services. He and his investors are very excited by the current state of possibilities.

Video clips from: A Panorama of Venture Capital and Beyond [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

Defining the Voice of a Start-up

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4 minutes

Structural Changes in Venture Capital

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3 minutes

Making Strides in User-Generated Content

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3 minutes

Entrepreneurship "In the Cloud"

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2 minutes

Case Study: The Shift in Netscape

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3 minutes

The Resurgence of Consumer Electronics

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4 minutes

The Product/Company Interplay

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3 minutes

Three Necessities for Start-up Success

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2 minutes

Who Makes the Best VC?

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