STVP Notes & News: May/June 2012

As spring quarter 2012 comes to close on the Stanford campus, here are some announcements and resources we are excited to share. Campus life may begin to slow down, but entrepreneurship activity, education and professional development continue to move at high speed.
New Research Honors
Earlier in May, STVP Co-Director Professor Kathleen Eisenhardt traveled to Stockholm, Sweden, to receive the Global Award for Entrepreneurial Research. The prestigious honor is awarded by a collection of major Swedish institutions, who seek to increase interest in the study of entrepreneurship around the world. We congratulate Kathy on the honor, recognizing her work on “strategy, strategic decision making, and innovation in rapidly changing and highly competitive markets.” See a short video from the ceremony>>
STVP Ph.D. student Douglas Hannah is the winner of the 2012 Gerald J. Lieberman Fellowship. Lieberman was a distinguished scholar and teacher for over 40 years at Stanford, and the fellowship aims to “recognize and promote doctoral students who demonstrate the potential for becoming academic leaders.” Doug joined the STVP Ph.D. program in 2009 and his research focuses on collaborative firm innovation processes and inter-firm networks. Check out Doug’s profile on the STVP website>>
New Books From STVP Faculty
In April, STVP Executive Director Dr. Tina Seelig released her newest book, inGenius: A Crash Course on Creativity. The book demystifies the creative process and explains why creativity can be a renewable resource for anyone. inGenius also offers readers a new model, the Innovation Engine, which explains how creativity is generated on the inside and how it is influenced by the outside world. Watch Tina discussing the importance of reframing problems on Stanford ECorner>>
STVP Lecturer Steve Blank recently launched The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide to Building a Great Company. Steve, along with co-author Bob Dorf, describe in detail how to grow startups based on the Customer Development process and through utilization of Alexander Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas. Learn about the Business Model Canvas in this video of Osterwalder on Stanford ECorner>>
Opportunities for Entrepreneurship Educators
Faculty and policy leaders interested in the future of entrepreneurship education are highly encouraged to join STVP at the Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education – Europe 2012. Hosted by Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, REE Europe 2012 will be an interactive conference providing hands-on tools for developing entrepreneurship education, as well as strategies on how to leverage students and local entrepreneurs in curriculum development. See program highlights and register for REE Europe 2012>>
Directed by STVP, the National Center for Engineering Pathways to Innovation (Epicenter) is working to bring greater entrepreneurship and innovation learning into undergraduate engineering education across the United States. The Epicenter, along with NCIIA, is offering a number of engaging opportunities for entrepreneurship faculty development. Along with the following two programs, visit the Epicenter events page for future opportunities to connect with the Epicenter.
- Sustainable Vision Teaching Lab 2012
- Lean LaunchPad Educators’ Program
- Epicenter Retreat – Lake Tahoe
Entrepreneurship Videos and Podcasts on ECorner
If you missed any of the spring quarter’s DFJ Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders seminars, summer is the perfect time to catch up with the latest videos and podcasts. This quarter featured startup founders, social entrepreneurs and leaders from the publishing and entertainment sectors. Check out the recently added content on ECorner>>