Aileen Lee, Cowboy Ventures Unicorn Lessons There’s no one path to a job in venture capital, and there’s a growing movement to make the VC world more representative of the real world.
Aileen Lee, Cowboy Ventures Unicorn Lessons [Entire Talk] There’s no one path to a job in venture capital, and there’s a growing movement to make the VC world more representative of the real world. × Close Video Clips Aileen Lee , Cowboy Ventures Unicorn Lessons [Entire Talk] There’s no one path to a job in venture capital, and there’s a growing movement to make the VC world more representative of the real world. Video Clips 4 minutes Women in the Room 4 minutes Going to Seed 4 minutes Unicorn Lessons 3 minutes Find Your Inner Dolphin 6 minutes VC is an Apprenticeship Business View Video Clips
Clip 1 of 5 Clip 1 of 5 from: Unicorn Lessons [Entire Talk] Aileen Lee, Cowboy Ventures Women in the Room There’s a growing movement to make the VC world more representative of the real world.
Clip 2 of 5 Clip 2 of 5 from: Unicorn Lessons [Entire Talk] Aileen Lee, Cowboy Ventures Going to Seed To enjoy seed-stage investing, you have to be comfortable betting on founders and their promising ideas, rather than completed products and metrics.
Clip 3 of 5 Clip 3 of 5 from: Unicorn Lessons [Entire Talk] Aileen Lee, Cowboy Ventures Unicorn Lessons The most successful breakout startups have a lot in common.
Clip 4 of 5 Clip 4 of 5 from: Unicorn Lessons [Entire Talk] Aileen Lee, Cowboy Ventures Find Your Inner Dolphin Sometimes, a simple visualization exercise can reframe an entire career.
Clip 5 of 5 Clip 5 of 5 from: Unicorn Lessons [Entire Talk] Aileen Lee, Cowboy Ventures VC is an Apprenticeship Business To gain a foothold in the VC business, you often have to start in a junior role and spend several years learning what makes the firm (and its most successful ...