Intel Capital VP Lisa Lambert discusses a sea change in the investment community as of Spring, 2010. While VC’s were formerly more attracted to solely investing in start-ups, she states that her firm has grown more stage-agnostic. Quick returns more often hinge on later-stage enterprises than on business concepts fresh out of the gate. In addition, she reports that Intel Capital has very few plans for acquisition of these firms, estimating that the company takes over less than one percent of those they financially back.

Video clips from: Investing for Market Strategy and Capital [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

A Woman's Work/Life Balance

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2 minutes

The State of Venture Capital

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3 minutes

The Excitement of Working in Venture Capital

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3 minutes

Failure in Work-Life Balance

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3 minutes

The Minutia of Negotiations

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4 minutes

Corporate-Backed "Smart" Money

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2 minutes

Investment Syndicate Partners

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2 minutes

Returns and Liquidity

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2 minutes

The Difference of Strategic Investment

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