“Failure is as much about success as success is,” says Lisa Lambert, vice president at Intel Capital. “In fact, it’s probably a more important part.” Lambert reflects on aspects of her career she wishes she could revisit, including work-life balance. Get practiced in the act of saying no, she advises, and accept that your time and money, and other resources only occur in limited quantities.

Video clips from: Investing for Market Strategy and Capital [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

A Woman's Work/Life Balance

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2 minutes

The State of Venture Capital

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3 minutes

The Excitement of Working in Venture Capital

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3 minutes

Failure in Work-Life Balance

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3 minutes

The Minutia of Negotiations

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4 minutes

Corporate-Backed "Smart" Money

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2 minutes

Investment Syndicate Partners

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2 minutes

Returns and Liquidity

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2 minutes

The Difference of Strategic Investment

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