Lisa Lambert, Intel Capital’s Vice President, points out that despite what other independently-run VC firms say, their corporate investing arm can offer the companies in their investment portfolio a lot more than just dollars. Good VC’s also open up their circle of contacts and offer useful advice along the path. In this clip, Lambert speaks at length about the matchmaking conferences that Intel organizes for its clientele, its global reach of resources, and the numerous other value-added services and networking opportunities that they offer beyond just a check.

Video clips from: Investing for Market Strategy and Capital [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

A Woman's Work/Life Balance

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2 minutes

The State of Venture Capital

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3 minutes

The Excitement of Working in Venture Capital

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3 minutes

Failure in Work-Life Balance

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3 minutes

The Minutia of Negotiations

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4 minutes

Corporate-Backed "Smart" Money

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2 minutes

Investment Syndicate Partners

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2 minutes

Returns and Liquidity

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2 minutes

The Difference of Strategic Investment

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