Idealab Founder Bill Gross lays out a clear and thoughtful explanation for solar energy being the best possible source for the planet’s growing energy demands. He illuminates the reality of current energy usage, the socio-economic factors that will impact future needs, and the limitations of other non-fossil fuel energy options. Gross is chairman of eSolar, an Idealab spin-off that focuses on making solar energy cost-competitive in the global marketplace.

Video clips from: A Devotion to New Ideas [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

Motivation Through Equity and Risk-Taking

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2 minutes

2 Reasons Companies Can Fail

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4 minutes

Can You Objectively Compare Ideas?

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3 minutes

Judge on Impact Over ROI

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7 minutes

Moore's Law: A New Weapon in the Solar Arsenal

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7 minutes

A Cogent Argument for Solar Energy

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7 minutes

Complementary Skills for Management Teams

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3 minutes

Survive Until the Market is Ready

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5 minutes

Weekend Warriors Discover the Pivot

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