
Jon Zieger
Jon Zieger, Responsible Innovation Labs

What is Responsible Innovation? [Entire Talk]

Ambitious technology companies will shape the 21st century. Could new frameworks help them shape it in a positive direction? 
Video 50 minutes
Jon Zieger , Responsible Innovation Labs
What is Responsible Innovation? [Entire Talk]
Ambitious technology companies will shape the 21st century. Could new frameworks help them shape it in a positive direction? 

Video Clips

Rudy Cline Thomas and Andre Iguodala
Rudy Cline-Thomas, Mastry Andre Iguodala, Miami Heat

Bridging the Gap Between Sports and Tech [Entire Talk]

Athletes are increasingly making an impact as tech investors.
Video 50 minutes
Rudy Cline-Thomas , Mastry Andre Iguodala , Miami Heat
Bridging the Gap Between Sports and Tech [Entire Talk]
Athletes are increasingly making an impact as tech investors.

Video Clips

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