Elon Musk talks about how the goal of SpaceX was not to launch another lucrative startup, but to encourage the U.S. government to renew and increase funding for space exploration. The visionary entrepreneur, in conversation with Steve Jurvetson, paints a picture of a greenhouse on Mars that would inspire people to see colonization as a reality.

Video clips from: Elon Musk’s Vision for the Future [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

When We Colonize Mars

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3 minutes

Imperfections Aren't Always Important

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3 minutes

Balancing Form and Functionality

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4 minutes

Looking Into the Future

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2 minutes

Aim for Usefulness Optimization

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4 minutes

Overcoming Setbacks and Saving Tesla

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2 minutes

Reigniting the Dream of Apollo

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4 minutes

Switching from Scholar to Entrepreneur

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2 minutes

Computing More Advanced Than Space Exploration

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