In an interview with DFJ General Partner Steve Jurvetson, Elon Musk recalls how the rise of the Internet in the mid 1990s prompted him to switch from pursuing a Ph.D. to launching an online startup, based on his desire to produce something practical. Musk describes seeing the Internet as a “central nervous system” that was uniting humanity and turning it into “a super-organism.”

Video clips from: Elon Musk’s Vision for the Future [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

When We Colonize Mars

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3 minutes

Imperfections Aren't Always Important

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3 minutes

Balancing Form and Functionality

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4 minutes

Looking Into the Future

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2 minutes

Aim for Usefulness Optimization

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4 minutes

Overcoming Setbacks and Saving Tesla

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2 minutes

Reigniting the Dream of Apollo

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4 minutes

Switching from Scholar to Entrepreneur

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2 minutes

Computing More Advanced Than Space Exploration

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