David Allemann co-leads the Swiss sports company On, one of the fastest-growing global sports brands. He puts a special focus on product, design, marketing, and the direct-to-consumer business of On. Previously, Allemann worked at the intersection of business and creativity at McKinsey & Company, as managing director of the advertising agency Young & Rubicam, and as CMO of design brand Vitra. In this presentation, Allemann shares how he and his co-founders built their shoe company on a spirit of exploration, innovation, and positivity, and what aspiring entrepreneurs can learn from their experience.

Video clips from: Exploration in Sports Technology [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

The Privilege to Take a Risk

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4 minutes

Go Global from the Get-Go

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5 minutes

Maintaining Values as You Grow

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4 minutes

Product Innovation First

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3 minutes

Finding Your First Customers

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4 minutes

Ingraining Sustainability

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