Xfund Ethics Fellows
Applications are now open!
Click here to apply for the Xfund 2025 cohort.
Enrollment is limited to 16 undergraduate and co-term students. The application consists of two rounds. The first round consists of completing the STVP XFund Fellows Program written application. The second round of the application is a group interview. Applicants can expect to hear back early Spring quarter.
We encourage all Stanford students who have either had previous or hope to one day have entrepreneurial experiences. Additionally, we highly encourage applicants to attend one of the two information sessions – an RSVP interest form is attached below to be notified once dates are finalized. These sessions are an opportunity to learn more about the program and hear directly from past fellows.
The application for the 2025 Xfund Ethics Fellows Cohort is now open!
Application Deadline: Wednesday, April 16
If you’re interested in learning more about the Xfund Ethics Fellows program please join us for an information session with the student leaders. The information schedule is below. Please be sure to RSVP.
The Xfund Ethics fellows student leaders will hold a series of virtual information session during the 2025 cohort application peridot. These information sessions are designed for prospective fellows to learn more about the program, commitment, application, interview process, etc. Those in attendance will also have an opportunity to ask questions directly to the teaching team. Please RSVP for our info sessions through the link below.
Wednesday, March 19th 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM PT (Finals Week, Winter Quarter)
Wednesday, April 3rd 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM PT (Week 1, Spring Quarter)
Password: 599190
Build guiding principles and a network for entrepreneurial leadership
The Xfund Ethics Fellows program, formerly PEAK Fellows, offers 16 Stanford undergraduate and co-terminal students the opportunity to develop their personal principles for entrepreneurial leadership and leading high-impact organizations. These principles are designed to help guide each fellow as they shape teams and align their career decisions with their values. Over the course of a quarter, fellows build a values-based entrepreneurial toolkit and community within their close-knit cohort through honest discussions and mentoring from alumni and peers. Class guests, including Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, will be invited to give talks about their personal experiences. Fellows will be challenged to think about their behaviour for situations including ethical dilemmas, raising capital, and valuing risk.
Xfund Ethics Fellows is part of the Ethics in Entrepreneurship Project through STVP.
Current Cohort
Analiese Bancroft
Material Science & Engineering / Music Composition
Joey Chen
Design, Communication, Theater and Performance Studies
Pear Chotbunwong
Science, Technology & Society
Muhammad Dhafer
Economics and Computer Science
Ezra Feleke
Computer Science
Benjamin Gao
Math, Computer Science, Management Science & Engineering
Aksh Garg
Computer Science
Murtaza Hussain
Public Policy
Jackson Kinsella
Economics & Education
Lily Loughridge
Symbolic Systems
Ismail Mardin
Computer Science and Bioengineering
Lauren Owens
Computer Science & Public Policy
Juan Pablo Pacheco
Computer Science and Product Design
Aaryan Shah
CS, Biomedical Data Sciecne
Asukuku Songolo
International Relations
Matthew Torre
Computer Science, Data Science
Jamie Ullman
Computer Science
J Yim
Computer Science & Theater And Performance Studies
Emily Zhang
Computer Science, Math, Art Practice
Estella Zhou
Computer Science
Sofie Roux
Civil Engineering (Architecture) and Mechanical Engineering (Design)

Jinyoung Kim

Brooke Martin
Management Science & Engineering

Gopal Raman

Faculty Advisor

During the summer, Fellows are introduced to the program’s core ideas and themes through a curated set of readings and connect with entrepreneurial communities in each Fellow’s city. At the end of the summer, the cohort gathers to reflect on insights and prepare for in-person sessions that follow in the fall.
Fellows engage further with entrepreneurs and trailblazers who have had to make difficult decisions. They are made to think about ethics in the real world to hone their own values and principles. Fellows enroll in the following course for 1 unit. There will be a total of 8 sessions that will take place every week starting from Week 2. The fall sessions will be held in person and are mandatory.
Program information
What to Expect
The Xfund Fellows Program is an opportunity for 16 Stanford undergraduate and co-terminal students to explore what it means to develop and practice principles in the context of ethical entrepreneurship. The sessions act as forums for the cohort of students to debate business dilemmas, hear from real founders, receive guidance from relevant mentors, and meet peers with whom they might build future ventures.
Through readings, weekly meetings, networking events and student presentations, students define a set of principles that resonate with them and are made to think deeply about decision making. The program culminates in pitch night, with an opportunity for small teams within the cohort to present a proposed venture with Silicon valley entrepreneurs.
Fellows Will:
- Receive 1 unit of credit for their completion of this program
- Benefit from access to faculty coaches and industry-leading guest speakers from Silicon Valley startups and venture capitalists
- Develop a close network of like-minded individuals from across Stanford’s campus to form relationships that carry forward for a lifetime
- Create a principles toolkit necessary for leadership in entrepreneurship to brave future ethical dilemmas.
- Build lasting connections through a diverse network of entrepreneurially-minded Stanford students and alumni from all majors and a cross-section of years
- Receive mentorship with an industry mentor
- Have the opportunity to present at a “Pitch Day”
- Must be an active undergraduate or co-terminal Stanford student during the program
Who Should Apply?
- Students from any discipline or major are encouraged to apply
- Applicants do not need to have previous entrepreneurial experience or a background in ethics to apply
Interested in becoming an Xfund Fellow?
Come for the mission and stay for the community. This is the type of company culture that I aim to create as an entrepreneur and I have the [Xfund Ethics] fellows to thank for the building blocks of a principled entrepreneurship foundation.
[Xfund Ethics] fellows envisions a future entrepreneurial ecosystem at Stanford that is as ethical, as it is inclusive. It dares to imagine a Silicon Valley with leaders whose success is as lauded as its principles. I’m proud to consider myself a part of this movement.
A lot of students graduating from college end up working at companies where their core values don’t align with the company’s set of principles. The [Xfund Ethics] Fellows program helped me formulate my own set of morals to go by in all the work I do, and now I strive to consider the ethics and social impact of my decisions in my daily life.
The [Xfund Ethics] fellowship has brought value to my life beyond entrepreneurship. I developed a framework that consistently informs and benefits my individual interactions and evaluations of the world at large. I have been motivated to pursue a mission that enhances the global community because I feel confident in the preparation that [Xfund Ethics Fellows] provided. I look forward to continuing to grow and pursue that mission with the community I found at [Xfund Ethics Fellows].
I really enjoyed all of the readings and discussions we engaged in throughout the XFund Ethics Fellows program, and feel that I now have a stronger set of ethical principles and values to navigate both entrepreneurial and more established organizations.
As a XFund Ethics Fellow, I was able to interface with my peers and community leaders to enhance my knowledge in the importance of sound, ethical frameworks within the technology and venture landscapes.
I’m grateful to the XFund Ethics Fellows program for showing me how differentiated principles embedded in concrete practices are core to building a successful, enduring organization.
As a XFund Ethics Fellow, I had the privilege of having important discussions about personal values and principled entrepreneurship with a cohort of Stanford’s most thoughtful future founders. I gained valuable insights about leadership, unintended consequences, and organizational growth, and was even able to co-lead a session on navigating crises and competing values. I strongly recommend the XFund Ethics Fellows program to aspiring entrepreneurs looking to develop solid, principled roots!
The XFund Ethics Fellows program was a transformative experience for me as a student passionate about leveraging technology for positive social impact. The program’s intimate cohort cultivated an open and supportive atmosphere where I could freely explore ideas, share perspectives, and learn from the entrepreneurial journeys of my peers. Surrounded by a diverse group united in their drive to build responsible, future-focused technologies, I found inspiration at every turn. The XFund Ethics Fellows program equipped me with invaluable tools and insights, while bolstering my confidence to pursue socially conscious entrepreneurship as a means to create meaningful change. This formative experience solidified my dedication to developing innovative solutions that prioritize ethics and societal wellbeing.
Getting to know my XFund Ethics cohort was incredible. Each person brought a unique perspective to the table, and seeing their drive to make an impact on the world was empowering.
I have the XFund Ethics Fellows to thank for the confidence I have in making value-driven and ethical decisions. The lessons and relationships I’ve gained here will guide me throughout my career and life.
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