The problem most startups have when they take their product or service to the big companies? “The big companies can’t figure out how to make it mundane enough to interoperate with all of the complexity they have,” answers Liz Tinkham, a global manager at Accenture. She says that a start-up may have the best piece of new technology ever, but if it doesn’t work easily with other technology, it’s just too hard to get larger companies to adopt the service or product.

Video clips from: Success and Failure Drive Innovation [Entire Talk]

4 minutes

Biggest Challenge of a CEO of a Start-up

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2 minutes

The Mistake Made by Most Start-ups

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3 minutes

Magic in Simplicity

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3 minutes

Learning from Failure

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3 minutes

No Idea Is a Dumb Idea

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4 minutes

Entrepreneurship in Large and Small Companies

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