As a co-founder of PayPal and LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman believes the importance of entrepreneurial education goes far beyond the founding of companies. All individuals may not go on to create startups, says Hoffman, but everyone will need to act more entrepreneurially going forward. Suggesting the era of the straight-forward career path is over, Hoffman articulates why individuals and companies create competitive advantage not through ideas, but by being the ones putting ideas into motion.

Video clips from: Entrepreneurs Will Create the Future [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

When to Go Public

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3 minutes

Shaping Customer Experience on a Massive Scale

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2 minutes

Investing in Long Term Ideas

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4 minutes

Surviving the Pivot

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2 minutes

Start Local, Scale Global

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5 minutes

All Careers Will be Entrepreneurial

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12 minutes

Entrepreneurship Rules of Thumb

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3 minutes

Entrepreneurs are Modern Pioneers

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