Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute Change the Business Plan in Response to a Changing Environment Surromed had to change their business plan due to two reasons, says Ringold: 1) External climate
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute When and How are Patents Important? Ringold talks about how patents are critical in different ways in different stages of a company. Patents in the early stage are very important to ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute How to Operate in a Downturn Economy Surromed has had to adapt its business plan, downsize the company, and pair down numbers of diseases, says Ringold. Things are very different from when ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute Biggest Pharmaceutical Products in Industry Today Ringold informs us that drugs for lowering blood pressure and those to lower cholesterol are among the leading pharmaceutical products today--and these are not treating ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute History of Surromed Ringold talks about Surromed's goals: 1) To improve the use of existing drugs and diagnostics
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute History of Maxygen Ringold partnered Alex Zaffaroni, a pioneer in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, to help start biotech companies. The upshot was, they started Maxygen, run by ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute Funding Challenges in Today's Market Ringold thinks that biotech companies are fighting the consequences of what to place in the bubble of dotcoms. The bubble was not based on reality. ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute Pharmaceutical Companies: Challenges in Developing New Therapeutic Products Ringold talks about how the pharmaceutical industry is built on failure and inefficiency and has a small success rate. This recognition led to Surromed. The ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute Biotech: Collaboration vs. Competition in Developing Affymax Ringold talks about the decision to move away from being a technology based company at Affymax to applying the technology to pharma because of the ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute History: From Bayer to Affymax Ringold talks about the idea behind and the history of combinatorial chemistry to accelerate the process of drug discovery. He then talks about a technology ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute Types of Company in Biotech Ringold discusses in detail two ways of categorizing companies. Type A companies have found a solution for a fundamental problem. Technology or new approaches have ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute Being an Entrepreneur in Industry vs. Education: Team vs. Individual Ringold talks about the fundamental differences between sole entrepreneurship in the academic setting versus entrepreneurship in an industry setting: a change in dynamics from a ...
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute Importance of Passion To be an entrepreneur you need to have passion for what you are doing and this will lead to other opportunities, says Ringold
Gordon Ringold, Affymax Research Institute What is an Entrepreneur? Gordon Ringold, CEO of the Glaxo-Wellcome Group's Affymax Research Institute, shares what he thinks an entrepreneur is - someone who says, I can do it. ...