Mike Peña, Stanford University Four Mantras to Help You Move Past Fear Practice recognizing the difference between fear and risk assessment.
Mike Peña, Stanford University Why Africa is Fertile Ground for Tech Entrepreneurs Burst your own bubble. Be part of an emerging ecosystem.
Mike Peña, Stanford University What’s Your Tolerance For Risk? Decide how much you’re willing to risk before taking the next step. The right role will bring out your full potential.
Mike Peña, Stanford University Advice for Designing Your Business Model and Beating the Odds Your business model is just as important as your product.
Mike Peña, Stanford University How Competition Ups Your Innovation Game Take a broad view of who you’re up against. The more competitive the field, the more innovative you’ll end up being.
Mike Peña, Stanford University Will Blockchain Disrupt Banks, Black Markets and Business as Usual? Align the core strengths of emerging technologies with human values and apply them to the biggest challenges we face.
Mike Peña, Stanford University Need Funding for Your Startup? Here’s What VCs Want to See Tell a story about a growing wave of new market opportunities. Ground your pitch with data from customers who are actually using your minimum viable product.
Mike Peña, Stanford University How Startups Survive the High-Growth Stage Prepare for change as your startup begins to mature. Your initial strategies must change as you scale.
Mike Peña, Stanford University How Startups Can Bake Diversity Into Their DNA Create an environment where people want to bring 100 percent of themselves to their work. Early-stage startups are positioned to make inclusion a core value.
Mike Peña, Stanford University Entrepreneurship Will Steer Self-Driving Cars Forward Small and agile startups will outmaneuver tech giants by staying singularly focused on autonomous vehicles and niche products.
Mike Peña, Stanford University Amazon: The GMO that Swallowed Whole Foods Markets Amazon’s $13.7 billion purchase of the Whole Foods Market chain, which is now a done deal, ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University Great Leaders Get Off the Couch A few months after her failed bid for California governor in 2010, veteran Silicon Valley CEO Meg Whitman found herself on the couch, completely deflated. The ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University Five Tips for Original Thinking Why are the best ideas often the ones that don’t seem to make sense? Bestselling author Adam ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University The Need for Alliances in Uncertain Times Businesses and entire industries are coping with major uncertainty due to President Donald Trump: from carmakers that fear his next tweet, to health insurers who ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University Extreme Constraints and Curiosity Lead to True Innovation Boundaries force you to find truly new solutions. For your next project, remove a given like a big budget or access to electricity to push your ideas further.
Mike Peña, Stanford University How Chinese Cities are Spurring Innovation Cities around the world with emerging tech hubs are asking what’s in Silicon Valley’s so-called “secret sauce,” and how they can emulate the ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University Ignoring Diversity Hurts Tech Products and Ventures Everyone has blind spots. Diverse teams are better at seeing the full horizon of opportunities and consequences.
Mike Peña, Stanford University Is ‘Lean’ the Secret to Startup Success? Every sector can benefit from agile thinking. Get out the building and start talking to your customers.
Mike Peña, Stanford University Entrepreneurship Can Be Learned Business classes are not a prerequisite for entrepreneurship, and yes, some of the most storied startup founders were college dropouts. But many others say they ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University A More Modular and Manageable Google For most of us, the reorganization of Google into a network of separate subsidiaries under the holding company Alphabet had zero effect on our lives. ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University Why Failure to Launch is a Good Thing If you’re going to lead the lab that launches moonshots like self-driving cars and balloon-powered Internet, you need to be incredibly ambitious and intelligent. ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University Yoda was Wrong: Apply Design Thinking to Life’s Problems Stanford Engineering Professor Bernard Roth, a founding faculty member of the university’s renowned design institute, told audience members attending one of his recent talks ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University It’s Everybody’s Business Now In the startup world, there may be no such thing as becoming too successful. But for those few ventures that end up ...
Mike Peña, Stanford University Is the App-pocalypse Nigh? It’s easy to see why much of America sees Silicon Valley as out of touch, even as we tap and swipe our devices with ...