Venture capitalists work diligently to identify, understand and mitigate risks in the ventures they invest in, says Dana Mead, partner at KPCB. Mead explains the importance of trying to solve for risks as early as possible and his firm’s willingness to fail in pursuit of answering grand challenges in the world.

Video clips from: Understanding Venture Capital [Entire Talk]

2 minutes

Deals are Built from Relationships

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3 minutes

Cycles of Success in Venture Capital

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3 minutes

Venture Capitalists Mitigate Risks

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2 minutes

Talk Openly About Risk and Reward

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3 minutes

Understanding Early Valuations

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2 minutes

Finding Your First Money

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4 minutes

A Day in the Life of a Venture Capitalist

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2 minutes

Where Does the Capital Come From?

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3 minutes

Historical Growth of Venture Capital

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