You and your company don’t own all of the smart engineers in the world. But how can one capitalize on that talent, asks Craig Barrett, former Intel COB? Fund research and start-ups that compliment your own work, including university research, to unearth emerging talent and move the industry forward. Barrett discusses why Intel spends over six billion dollars on hundreds of companies every year outside of their own walls and the tremendous benefits that the practice reaps. Remember that a single bright idea from a small research team can bring a large corporation to its knees overnight. Says Barrett, “We don’t want you eating our lunch.”

Video clips from: A Historical Perspective on Semiconductors and Moore’s Law [Entire Talk]

5 minutes

The Value of Corporate Venture Capital

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2 minutes

The Growing Demand for Engineering Talent

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8 minutes

Copy Exactly: Establishing Competitive Manufacturing Capabilities

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3 minutes

Betting on the Future of Moore's Law

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