If we look forward 20 years, we’ll see as much change in technology as we’ve seen in the last 100 years, says DFJ’s Steve Jurvetson, quoting Ray Kurzweil. And at any point in the future, this axiom will maintain, indicating that the speed of technological innovation will forever continue to accelerate. What does this mean for the entrepreneur? We live with perpetual future shock and with a constant need to stay on top of the learning curve. The only ideas worth following in this sort of climate are those that seem unpredictable, crazy, and passionate. The more people who think your idea is terrible, the higher the likelihood for its success.

Video clips from: Innovation in a Disruptive Environment [Entire Talk]

4 minutes

Career Traits for the Aspiring Venture Capitalist

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4 minutes

The Entrepreneur's Recognition of Technology Acceleration

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3 minutes

Ray Kurzweil's Optimistic Prognosis for Technology

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5 minutes

VC's Seeking Disruptive Markets

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