
Debbie Sterling
Debbie Sterling, GoldieBlox

Empowering Girls with STEM [Entire Talk]

With a strong social mission, you can persevere through pivots and setbacks with confidence.
Video 46 minutes
Debbie Sterling , GoldieBlox
Empowering Girls with STEM [Entire Talk]
With a strong social mission, you can persevere through pivots and setbacks with confidence.

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Bonny Simi, JetBlue Technology Ventures

Cultivate Creativity and Courage [Entire Talk]

Unlock potential by exploring your passions with courage and creativity.
Video 47 minutes
Bonny Simi , JetBlue Technology Ventures
Cultivate Creativity and Courage [Entire Talk]
Unlock potential by exploring your passions with courage and creativity.

Video Clips

Beverly Parenti, The Last Mile Chris Redlitz, The Last Mile Ray Harts, Healthy Hearts Institute

Growing a Social Venture [Entire Talk]

Find your purpose and find your partners.
Video 47 minutes
Beverly Parenti , The Last Mile Chris Redlitz , The Last Mile Ray Harts , Healthy Hearts Institute
Growing a Social Venture [Entire Talk]
Find your purpose and find your partners.

Video Clips

Joseph DeSimone, Carbon

The Case for Convergence [Entire Talk]

Diverse, interdisciplinary teams can drive breakthroughs in both technologies and business models.
Video 47 minutes
Joseph DeSimone , Carbon
The Case for Convergence [Entire Talk]
Diverse, interdisciplinary teams can drive breakthroughs in both technologies and business models.

Video Clips

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