Mark Jung, IGN Phases of a Startup Mark Jung, former internet CEO and entrepreneur, discusses the personal and professional challenges in the five phases of a startup. Jung explores these phases, namely ...
Mark Jung, IGN Network Effect in Web-based Companies Jung talks about the importance of empowering an entrepreneur's target audience in acquiring customers. Viral marketing is one of the ways to acquire and build ...
Mark Jung, IGN The Dysfunctional Team Jung talks about the irregularities in team dynamics. He stresses that the timing of conflict is very important and one needs to work together as ...
Mark Jung, IGN The Dark Phase Jung talks about the dark phase in a startup where entrepreneurs begin to question everything, including themselves. This is an important phase as it tests ...
Mark Jung, IGN Releasing Control in a Startup Jung talks about one of the biggest challenges in the growth phase of a startup. Releasing and disseminating control is very essential for scaling companies. ...
Mark Jung, IGN Team Selection in a Startup Jung talks about the importance of selecting the right team in a startup. It is very important for a startup to have the right mix ...
Mark Jung, IGN A Startup and its Phases Jung talks about the five different phases that a start-up will entail in its journey from inception to transition. Phase one is the start-up and ...
Mark Jung, IGN Entrepreneurship is a Journey Mark Jung, former Chief Operating Officer of Fox Interactive Media, explains that entrepreneurship is a journey that has to be experienced with all it's hardships. ...