David Baszucki, Roblox When the Platform is Your Product Make your vision your north star and let user data inform iterations. Create virtuous cycles to drive and sustain growth.
Clip 1 of 3 Clip 1 of 3 from: When the Platform is Your Product [Entire Talk] David Baszucki, Roblox Contributing to the Whole Give teams within your organization autonomy to reduce friction horizontally and speed up work and output vertically.
Clip 2 of 3 Clip 2 of 3 from: When the Platform is Your Product [Entire Talk] David Baszucki, Roblox Being Capital Efficient Roblox Founder and CEO David Baszucki talks about being disciplined with startup funding in the beginning. Besides only having half a million in angel investment ...
Clip 3 of 3 Clip 3 of 3 from: When the Platform is Your Product [Entire Talk] David Baszucki, Roblox A Balanced Approach to Decision-Making David Baszucki, founder and CEO of online-games platform Roblox, discusses which decisions are driven by analytics versus the company's own vision. He says user data ...
David Baszucki, Roblox When the Platform is Your Product [Entire Talk] Make your vision your north star and let user data inform iterations. Create virtuous cycles to drive and sustain growth. × Close Video Clips David Baszucki , Roblox When the Platform is Your Product [Entire Talk] Make your vision your north star and let user data inform iterations. Create virtuous cycles to drive and sustain growth. Video Clips 2 minutes Contributing to the Whole 2 minutes Being Capital Efficient 2 minutes A Balanced Approach to Decision-Making View Video Clips