“Listen to users too much, you build a bad product,” believes Scribd’s Trip Adler. While analytics data can provide helpful information, he cautions that if you listen only to feedback from the most vocal users, you risk building a product that will appeal to a small niche market. Accuray founder John Adler agrees — listen to your users, but base your decisions on your own vision for your product.

Video clips from: Evolution of a CEO [Entire talk]

2 minutes

The Risks of Listening Too Much to Your Users

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4 minutes

Trust Your Vision

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2 minutes

What's the Best Degree for an Entrepreneur?

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2 minutes

The Difference Between a Surgeon and a CEO

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3 minutes

Just Go for It

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3 minutes

Culture Stems from Your Belief in the Product

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1 minutes

Entrepreneurship is a Learned Skill

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3 minutes

Luck is Hard Work and Persistence

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3 minutes

Entrepreneurs Have No Rules

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