Tristan Harris, co-founder and co-director of Time Well Spent, demystifies the art of user engagement. Having been an amateur magician, a tech entrepreneur and now ethicist, Harris describes how the effectiveness of features that aim to hold our gaze or prompt certain beliefs lies in the asymmetry between the individual and the many engineers, designers and resources devoted to creating that feature.

Video clips from: Making Technology Less Manipulative [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

Escaping the Echo Chamber

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5 minutes

The Persuadable Brain

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5 minutes

Questioning What You Do

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3 minutes

What Is Ethical Persuasion?

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6 minutes

An Arms Race for Your Attention

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6 minutes

The End Game of AI

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6 minutes

A More Ergonomic Relationship with Tech

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3 minutes

Ways to Retake Control

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5 minutes

The Magic of Persuasive Design

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