Stanford management expert Bob Sutton discusses the disparity between the percentage of Americans who admit they consistently treat others badly and statistics on how many of us feel bullied on a regular basis. He explains how the damage from abusive behavior goes beyond individuals’ feelings and affects the organization by stifling healthy dissent and driving out the best people.

Video clips from: How to Outwit Workplace Jerks [Entire Talk]

2 minutes

The Toxicity of Tyrants [Explicit]

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3 minutes

Craft a Clean Exit Strategy

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2 minutes

Look for Red Flags [Explicit]

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4 minutes

Techniques to Avoid Toxic People [Explicit]

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3 minutes

Recognize When You're the Problem [Explicit]

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5 minutes

Rise Above Bad Behavior [Explicit]

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3 minutes

Mean Bosses are Bad Humans

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