As a powerful distribution channel and a growing competitor in publishing, Amazon plays a disruptive role in the publishing industry. HarperCollins CEO and President Brian Murray describes the “complicated relationship” publishers have with Amazon, who is a partner they work with and compete against. “The term ‘frenemy’ is a great term to capture what business is like today,” says Murray, here in conversation with STVP Executive Director Tina Seelig.

Video clips from: A Story of Change and Opportunity [Entire Talk]

2 minutes

What Engineers Bring to the CEO Role

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3 minutes

Partners as "Frenemies"

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1 minutes

On Digital Rights Management

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3 minutes

Finding the Right Digital Ecosystem

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2 minutes

Content Creators as the Brand

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4 minutes

When You Launch 12 Products a Day

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3 minutes

Changes in the Publishing Industry

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2 minutes

Publishers Act as Venture Capitalists

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