Venture capitalist Mike Maples Jr. talks about how businesses seeking to exploit network effects must deeply understand the network itself, its nodes and the role of the operator. He points to railroads, record companies and TV stations as historical examples of network-effects businesses and urges present-day founders to have an ongoing hypothesis of their network that evolves over time.

Video clips from: Dare to Do Legendary Things [Entire Talk]

2 minutes

Make Your Life Legendary

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3 minutes

Create New Categories

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2 minutes

Have a Sense of Urgency

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2 minutes

Clarity of Business and Price

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6 minutes

The Dance of Product-Market Fit

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2 minutes

Network-Effects Businesses

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3 minutes

Capitalism and Competitive Advantage

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2 minutes

Technical and Management Debt

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6 minutes

Exponential Edge for Startups

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