With just ten people and as little as $50,000, new garage-based enterprises that used to require hefty start-up costs and infrastructure can grow larger and more productive with fewer resources than ever before, says Deloitte Center for the Edge Independent Co-Chairman John Seely Brown. Entrepreneurs in the 21st century need to think about taking advantage of advanced tools like cloud computing and social media to progress at a pace – and with such lean, muscular resources – previously unimaginable.

Video clips from: Collaborative Innovation and a Pull Economy [Entire Talk]

5 minutes

The Knowledge Economy of World of Warcraft

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4 minutes

Pulling the Core to the Edge

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4 minutes

Exposing More "Surfaces"

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3 minutes

Shaping Serendipity

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7 minutes

The Business School of Extreme Aerial Surfing

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2 minutes

Material Science Start-ups in the Modern Age

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6 minutes

The Old Institutions are Broken

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