Have all of the great technology companies already been created? Not even close, insists Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s CEO. The only thing for certain in the future of technology is its dynamism, and that the names and the players are always changing. Ballmer points to smart displays and better human-computer interaction as future areas of exploration. He credits software with having impact on the future of energy, environmental science, and other fields.

Video clips from: The Future of Microsoft, The Future of Technology [Entire Talk]

4 minutes

Applying Education to On-the-Job Experience

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3 minutes

Choosing the Right Projects

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3 minutes

The Launch of Ballmer's Microsoft Career

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3 minutes

Balance and Tension in Company Culture

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2 minutes

The Interplay of Venture Capital and Innovation

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3 minutes

Microsoft's Research and Development

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3 minutes

Emerging Trends in the Future of Technology

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2 minutes

The Slow Incubation of Disruptive Technologies

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2 minutes

The Start-Up During Economic Crisis

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