The patient risk in anesthesia highlights the dynamics of accidents. The problem: How can the management of anesthesia systems be improved to decrease patient risks that could occur in the operating room environment? To compute the probability of an accident of all scenarios, a dynamic model helps to understand how fast things could go wrong once an accident first occurred and how fast someone must react to resolve the problem. Among the contributing factors causing an accident (work schedule, training, and experience), Dr. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell, department chair of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University, says that simulated training helped decrease accidents by an optimistic 16 percent.

Video clips from: Risky Business: Analysis from an Engineering Perspective [Entire talk]

2 minutes

Do Entrepreneurs Take More Risks?

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4 minutes

Dynamic Model of Accidents

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4 minutes

Classic Example of a Future Accident

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3 minutes

System Analysis in Risk Assessment

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4 minutes

The Process of Risk Assessment

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3 minutes

Real-Life Risk Analysis

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1 minutes

Risk Analysis Examines Uncertainties

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