The classic example of an accident that hasn’t happened yet: the heating tiles of the space shuttle. The first 33 flights consisted of errors in maintenance. Dr. Elisabeth Paté-Cornell describes how she discovered that technicians were mixing water with the glue, so the heating would adhere faster to the surface; though, by diluting the contacting bond, it put the heating tiles more at risk during the space shuttle’s reentry into Earth. Her team created a map of the space shuttle and the most crucial heating tiles. In the end, she made recommendations based upon the data and research.

Video clips from: Risky Business: Analysis from an Engineering Perspective [Entire talk]

2 minutes

Do Entrepreneurs Take More Risks?

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4 minutes

Dynamic Model of Accidents

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4 minutes

Classic Example of a Future Accident

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3 minutes

System Analysis in Risk Assessment

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4 minutes

The Process of Risk Assessment

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3 minutes

Real-Life Risk Analysis

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1 minutes

Risk Analysis Examines Uncertainties

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