One lesson taught by Stanford GSB Professor Jennifer Aaker is to include the opposite of every idea proposed in a brainstorming session. This tool vastly expands the number ideas, both excellent and terrible in equal proportion. This thinking led one former student to launch a social media campaign to register 20,000 South Asian bone marrow donors to find a match for a friend with leukemia. The result not only increased disease awareness and found a donor, but it also provided an excellent example of successful social networking, factoring in the strength of a specific goal, the power of reversing the rules, the necessity of creating a campaign that allows for no-fuss collaboration, and the need to tell a good story.

Video clips from: How Ideas Take Flight [Entire Talk]

3 minutes

Social Media Experimentation

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2 minutes

Building Brands Inside-Out

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7 minutes

Case Study: Coca-Cola's Global Campaign

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5 minutes

Driving a Successful Social Media Campaign

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10 minutes

Case Study: Increasing the Bone Marrow Registry

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2 minutes

Factors that Enable Happiness

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4 minutes

The Happiness Paradox

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