Hara CEO Amit Chatterjee sees the fertile breeding ground for his venture at the intersection of info-tech and green tech. Even with a solid idea and a unique concept, his company decided to quietly accept venture capital and gain market traction in stealth mode for the first 18 months. The benefit of this concept, says Chatterjee, is that it kept the company focused on product development, rather than marketing and posturing.

Video clips from: Entrepreneurial Lessons: Find Value and Make Impact [Entire Talk]

2 minutes

You Are the CEO of What?

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2 minutes

Recruiting and Resonating Passion

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1 minutes

Time Out for Family

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3 minutes

Key Points to Building Success

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2 minutes

Cutting the Chaff from the Team

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2 minutes

Emerging Market Opportunities

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1 minutes

Opportunity Beyond Geography

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3 minutes

Benefits of Stealth Mode

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2 minutes

The Value of Putting on a Suit

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1 minutes

The Pains of Going Public

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2 minutes

Alternatives to Going Public?

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